Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 useful Google search tips you might now know

Google search tips to find time of a city or country

You can use “time” keyword followed by name of the city or country to find the current time of that country of city in Google search.
Examples :
time kathmandu
time new york

Google search tips for Currency conversion

you can use keyword like “1 USD in AUD” or “1 singapore money in japanese money” to find the currency difference using Google search.
Examples :
1 USD in thailand money
1 singapore money in australian money

Google Search tips for Unit conversion

You can use the following kind of examples to convert the various unit of height and weight.
1feet in meter
1feet in cm
1kg in pounds

Google search as calculator

You can enter math expression in Google search box to get the calculated result. For example, you can put the following expression in the Google search to find result of the calucation.

Using Google search as Dictionary

You can use the Google as a dictionary as well. Just you have to type the keyword as “define:keyword” in google search box and you’ll get the meaning of that word.


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